Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Pros And Cons Of Pocket Carry

People who choose to carry a concealed firearm in their daily lives are frequently looking for the best options to carry. Depending upon the climate, a shoulder holster might not be the best option for you. A waistband can definitely be uncomfortable.

One easy way to carry concealed weapons is in your pocket, with a simple pocket carry holster. Whether it is your jacket pocket, breast pocket or even your jeans, a pocket carry holster can help you out.

The Pros

All concealed carry holsters mean that you will be compromising on one aspect or the other. However, pocket carry still provides a number of advantages, including but not limited to:
Easy Of Carry - Carrying things in our pockets is something all of us are familiar with. Even if there is a small bulk in your pocket, you don’t mind. At least there is no discomfort in your shoulders, or waistline or nothing jammed into your back. The best part is that pocket carry doesn’t cause discomfort. Whether you are standing, running or walking, it will be similar to carrying your phone.

Lesser Restrictions - Even though some pants will work better, most things we wear have pockets. With pocket carry, you don’t need to stick to any sort of clothing requirements.

Best Concealment - If keeping your weapon hidden from plain sight is the primary concern, nothing can work better than pocket carry. Your gun would never flash and the anti-print panel would fade out any prints. Furthermore, people are used to carrying wallets, phones and much more in their pockets. Even a prominent bulge would go unnoticed when walking around.

Quick Access - Although pocket holster aren’t really good when it comes to faster draw time, you still have access to a full firing grip. The best part? You can draw it while still in a non-threatening posture. The case isn’t the same if you are reaching the back of your shirt for your gun and there is no element of surprise.

Affordable - Even though the price of your holster shouldn’t be the deciding factor when it comes to concealed carry, pocket carry holsters are much cheaper than their counterparts.

The Cons

 Longer Draw Times - Your hand needs to go into the pocket and gain a proper grip. Naturally, this extends the draw times. Also, special care must be taken to separate the gun from the holster. This adds to the draw time, making it slower than other concealed carry options.
Gun Size Restrictions - A full size 1911 can be concealed in your waistband, but not your pocket. Also, most pockets are smaller. This means you may need to stick to a smaller handgun that fits in your pockets.

The Bottom Line

Concealed carry with pocket carry holsters can be an excellent option for armed civilians. Even some respectable sized guns can be carried in all pockets easily. All you need is draw practice and you are good to go!

Check out the collection of some of the best pocket holsters at WRB Sales today!

If You Make These 5 Shooting Range Mistakes, It Is Time To Stop!

Most gun owners do a lot of recreational shooting and testing at their local gun range. A number of different accidents occur at the gun range in any given month, largely due to shooter ignorance, not due to intentionally irresponsible behavior.
Add to it the idea that most people think that humans are genetically hardwired to handle a firearm, and you get the perfect recipe for gun range mistakes (which might be annoying for experienced shooters at the range).
WRB Sales, leading supplier of gun range bag and shooting accessories discuss some common mistakes you might be making at the range:

#1-The Prickly-Magnet Trigger Finger

For many new shooters, apparently the convenient way to scratch their trigger finger is to rub it firmly around the trigger guard. Call it instinct or human nature but magnetic triggering is an irresistible thing for most index fingers. After all, the finger belongs there doesn’t it? Then why is there a big hole right next to the trigger?
Get this - you are at a range and you probably haven’t graduated to shooting moving targets yet. Learn to get a grip on the itchy trigger finger feeling and preferably rest your trigger finger away from the trigger, on the side of the firearm when not shooting.

#2-Side Slide Reloading

As our hands are mounted on the sides of our bodies, we naturally tend to turn the gun to the left (when keeping the right hand on the trigger) and reload. Nothing wrong here, right? Wrong. When you do this, you are unintentionally pointing the gun at the shooters on your left.
Although it takes a bit of extra effort to rotate your body so that the gun is pointing downwards while reloading, it is definitely worth the trouble.

#3-Back Seat Shooting

These are the shooters who stand far behind the shooting line so that the muzzles are actually behind all the other shooters. Just like backseat drivers, for experienced shooters, these guys are frustrating and mean trouble.
When shooting at the range, make sure that you step up on the line. On the bright side, you will not come off as dangerous and you will be closer to the target.

#4-Hand Troubles

This typically happens at outdoor shooting ranges where shooters can go down the range and clean up their mess. Once a shooter calls out ‘cold range’, it is your responsibility to keep the firearm aside until the shooter fixes up the targets and comes back behind the counter.
While you might have a little trouble putting aside your firearm, do it for the safety of your fellow shooters and also to not accidentally shoot one in the back.

#5-Turning Around

Turning around at the gun range, especially when your firearm is loaded is never a good idea. You might be tempted to scream out to your friend at the back and tell them how you shot the target to smithereens, but don’t. There are two problems here - first, it isn’t the right thing to do if you don’t want to freak out other shooters. Secondly, a handgun is much shorter, and turning around with a handgun in your hand means you are pointing it directly at the person behind you.

Avoid these five gun range mistake and you will soon master shooting safety and effectiveness. Check out the collection of gun range essentials and firearm accessories available at WRB Sales for an even safer shooting experience. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Enjoying The Great Outdoors - Five Things You Can Do This Summer

Though the days may be longer in summer, time seems to fly by more quickly.
That’s because summers are fun-filled and adventurous – only if you plan them right.
The days are longer, and nights warmer; however, you have many ways to make summer exciting and memorable.
Here is our 5 best picks for you to make the most of this summer, while enjoying great outdoor activities:

1.    Go Hiking!

Hiking makes for an amazing travel experience and top outdoor activity for summers. The benefits are far beyond.
Hiking can help you overcome stress, simply de-clutter your mind and enjoy the beauty of nature. The rewards reaped through hiking are remarkable and instant. For people who find hiking terrifying, the American Hiking Society states that the activity offers an incredible range of health benefits with relatively lesser risks.

2.    Go Camping!

When was the last time you slept under the shelter of the skies and prepared dinner on an open fire?
Camping is the ultimate opportunity to relax and pull yourself away from everyday hustle-bustle. The best way to enjoy summer is to bid adieu to all your gadget, and spend quality time with real friends and family over camping.
You can play sports, explore the camping site, go hunting, and enjoy cooking etc. in the absence of routine distractions.

3.    Go on a Local City Trip

Summer is the best time to explore the city you’re living in. This is particularly great if you’re new. Glance through the local food bank or visit the city’s community lawn. Plan on exploring the history of your town and discover something unique about your community. This way, you’ll unfold untold stories and make your time more engaging and enlightening. After all, the best trips are often in your own backyard, not abroad.

4.    Practice Shooting at a Gun Range

A visit to a gun range is an adventurous, fun-filled learning experience. 
This stress-relieving activity promises mental and physical benefits.
Shooting helps your body build physical discipline, enhances arm strength, improves focus, exercises your eyes, and promotes liberty. And these are just a few benefits.
While there are a host of things you can do this summer to make it more fun and adventurous, your security cannot be risked or compromised. Carrying a licensed weapon secured with top accessories makes sense. At WRB, find the finest gun cases for sale, tactical range bags, and other shootingbags at reasonable rates.

5.    Go Kayak Fishing

Kayak fishing is one of those things that you should try at least once in your lifetime. Assuming that you are a newbie, start with the basics.

Take a fishing rod along and start paddling into subtle waters. If you’re a veteran fisher, teaching your friends this art is a great activity to undertake this summer; the more, the merrier. 

What Is An Appropriate Behavior Of An Armed Civilian In Public

People who generally have a phobia of inanimate objects tend to suggest that merely owning a firearm is a motivator for action. The truth is that majority of gun owners in the United States are more responsible and are law-abiding citizens compared to others.
Most gun owners understand the responsibility that comes with owning a gun. The mere fact that you carry a lethal tool on you should actually make you an asset to the society rather than a threat.
As gun owners, what should we do to be responsible in our conduct? More importantly, what should we do when we interact with unarmed civilians?

Adopting A Non-Confrontational Approach

The first thing you need to do is gradually switch to a non-confrontational approach.
Owning a gun should be able to change your attitude for the better.
You may notice yourself; as time passes and you become more proficient with your gun, you tend to become comfortable around other people. Try smiling if someone is rude. Why be so nice? You are carrying a lethal tool along with a skill-set not many people have. When you learn to walk away from confrontations, it means you truly realize the responsibility and value of carrying a firearm.

Avoid The ‘Shoot First, Think Later’ Mindset

Whether you love shooting at the range, are a fan of hunting or need to carry a firearm due to your responsibilities as part of a law enforcement agency, you will come across different sorts of people.
Many of these people will be uneducated about matters regarding self-defense. You will hear them state the most ignorant things like ‘shoot first, think later’, or even ‘if you come to my house without being invited, you get shot!’
Remember that such mentality only exists among people who are uneducated and don’t truly understand the responsibility they have. They are also the type of people who buy a gun and leave it in the drawer for the remainder of its life.
The most capable you become with your firearm, the subtler your personality should become.

This Doesn’t Mean You Should Back Up On Violent Situations

None of this means that you should not take action if it’s warranted. But, if you carry a gun, you owe it to the society around you to be a promoter of peace, especially in situations that can turn violent when you have a chance to walk away safely.

Be a responsible gun owner and you will start feeling comfortable carrying your firearm! Looking for concealed carry holsters? Check out our collection today. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Looking for a High Quality Firearm Gear?

Welcome to WRB! We take pride in manufacturing the highest quality firearms gear, we use only the best materials in our products, visit for more details: